Wednesday, February 12, 2014

In Need Of A Math And Science Love Poem

  A friend of mine from Illinois sent me this poem thinking I would be able to use it. Now while I may not have a need for it, I know some of you out there might. I'm trying to figure out who wrote it so as soon as I do I will update this.

  The best way to describe this poem is you wound think it was written by Sheldon Cooper to Amy Farafaller.

A Math and Science Love Poem

  Like two foci of an elliptical
  Your eyes entice me
  Cause my cardiac muscles to palpitate
  And like litmus paper
  My cheeks turn red in the presence of acid.

  As I estimate the distance between us
  I've arrived at the conclusion that
  You're sitting approximately
  5 feet and 13 centimeters away from me
  7 and one half millimeters closer than yesterday.

  As you sit there I calculate your potential energy
  I find myself wishing that kind could change
  y=mx+b into y=unext2me

  You are my complimentary angle and I long to whisper
   That Newton's Law was created just for you and me
  I feel the gravitational force at work in my skeletal system
  As my feelings for you grow exponentially.

  Like radiation, you penetrate my skin
  You watched my veins branch like fractals
  While I returned the pencil you dropped.

  You listened to my logarithm my heart produced
  At a near inaudible frequency.

  Like absolute zero,  all molecules within me halted
  In that moment,  Your force sent me spinning
  Making 50 thousand revolutions per minute
  Though you never thanked me.

  I do understand it's according to configuration
  Seeing as the possibility of you noticing me is exactly 0.41 in 10.731.

  But I still keep hoping that negative plus negative will eventually result positive
  For mutual forces of action and reaction
  Between two bodies are equal,opposite and co-liner.

  You are the Pascal in my triangle,
  The carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.

  Someday, you will co- sign your name like  mine. ..

  But for today you can count the fact
  That you will always be like matter,
   Occupying a space in my heart.