Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lucky Its Laundry Night

  Wow.  Just had the scariest experience.

  I went downstairs to switch my laundry and on my way I passed this lady in her 80s. At least, that's my guess.

  She always does laps through out the apartment building.  Kind of like mall walking but with less stores and not as much room.

  I said, 'hi' and then continued downstairs.  I would say it took about 5 minutes to swap my laundry.

  I made my way up the first flight of stairs humming the 'Psych' theme.  As I rounded the landing to the second set of stairs I saw the old woman laying in the middle of the staircase.  I ran over and asked if she was okay.  She didn't answer... just mumbled.  I very carefully rolled her over. Her eyes were completely glazed over and there was blood coming out of the corner of her mouth. She was breathing but she seemed to be struggling.

  I quickly called 911. I sat with her and just talked to her while 911 had me give them status updates.  I talked to her about whatever I could thing of. I tried to reassure her and stay calm.

  I was amazed how quickly everyone got there. When I heard the buzzer go off I rushed to the door and let them in. I lead them to the woman and they went right to work.  One paramedic took me off to the side and asked me all sorts of questions then sent me to my apartment.

  After a few minutes I saw them take the woman out to their ambulance and then they drove away.

  Right now... I'm not doing to good.  The way I found that woman is the exact way my brother and mom said they found my dad right before he died. 

  I almost called my mom and brother, but I didn't exactly want to remind them of that horrible night. And so far I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone. That was just too much.