Here's a few things the human resources guy at my company says I'm not allowed to do anymore. Sometimes I feel like they have it out for me.
1. I'm not allowed to empty all the metal out of a furnace and try to fill it with chocolate pudding anymore.
2. I can't do puppet shows for people in the the bathroom when the puppets are two white worms. Apparently it freaked some people out and for others caused confusion and some horrible things happened... I don't want to talk about it.
3. I have to stop sending subscriptions for Penthouse, Playboy, and Boy's Life to members of the board.
4. I have to stop using the presses to crack open walnuts.
5. The medicine cabinet is for emergencies only. Taking all the gauze out just so I can wrap myself up like a mummy is no longer prohibited. Playing mummy is not an emergency. Their words not mine. I'm guessing they never needed a Halloween costume at the last minute.
6. I have to stop telling people that our factory is built on top of an ancient Mayan burial ground.
7. I also have to stop using the intercom system to play the song, "Its a Small World" over and over again. Apparently, it gives some people horrible flashbacks.