Don't you hate when you wake up thinking the only thing you have to do is buy a new pair of Spider-Man Underoos, but instead end up having to re-evaluate your views on life after death.
It would be pretty accurate to say that for the majority of my life, I have been completely skeptical of this concept of life after death or as what the professional 'hunters' on tv call... ghosts.
Something tells me that a few of you might be slightly skeptical of my skepticalness (Hmm, is that even a word). Which is understandable. After all, I am the guy who flew to Utah to investigate reports that a flying sasquath with bat-like wings has been stealing Jimmy John subs. And yes, I also explored the shores of Africa in search of a Nessy like monster called, The Badoone.
I suppose its just easier for me to believe in creatures, because there's more of a scientific possibility they could be real. How many new animals are discovered every day that people never knew existed? Maybe that's what these creatures are. Just animals who we have yet to discover or over millions of years, forgot about.
But ghosts??? You're telling me I'm supposed to believe that because my grandpa forgot to give my grandma a 15 cent ring he won for her before he died, his spirit now is at unrest and and doomed to haunt this world forever... I don't think so.
I loved my grandpa and all, but if there was an all day Martha Stewart marathon on tv and the remote was sitting on the coffee table in front of him, he would rather just watch Martha Stewart all day rather than move the three feet to get the remote. So, what makes you think he's going to put forth all that effort just to come back from the dead.
This is why I have trouble accepting that ghosts are real. But leave it to needing a new pair of Underoos to throw the proverbial spectral monkey wrench in that belief.
My girlfriend and I had to go to Kohl's to get me a new pair of Spider-Man Underoos. Why Kohl's? Simple. That's where you can get the high quality well made Underoos.
it didn't take long for me to find what i was looking for. In fact, in under ten minutes, I found three different sets of Underoos. I got two Spider-Man sets, one Avengers themed set and a pair of Doctor Who dress socks.
After all, is there a better way to express to someone how much their event means to you than wearing some Spider-Man Underoos and a pair of black dress socks with a Dalek stitched on the side in white thread.
I have to admit, I was pretty excited about my haul, but before we left the store, I figured we could walk around for a bit. My girlfriend had had a pretty hard week and I thought maybe we could find some thing to bring that beautiful smile back to her face.
It took all of five minutes to complete this quest, because unbeknownst to me, Kohl's had begun selling Disney products.
They had t-shirts and DVDs and cups and plates and framed cells and little stuffed animals, but none of that seemed to attract her attention. The only thing that made her eyes light up was a giant version of Mike leaning against the back wall. You know Mike, one of the main characters in the movie, Monster University. It stood about four feet high and was the low, low price of $500.
Unfortunately, I had just had the transmission in my truck replaced and remembered that I wasn't Donald Trump. So, instead of buying Mike, we did the next best thing. My girlfriend cuddled up to Mike and I took their picture. Her smile was still intact and we still got to bring something home. A win-win in my book... that is until I actually looked at the picture later that night.
At first, I was mad at myself because I thought I had messed up the picture. It was all blurry. However, upon closer inspection I realized only a blob in the lower center of the picture was blurry and slightly see through while the rest was in perfect focus.
And it wasn't just a blob. The more I looked at it the easier it became to pick out an arm and then a body and then legs. Even though it looked as if the lower half of the body was still forming I could still make them out.
Not to mention, there was no one else around when I took the picture. Yet there was obviously someone there or something that looked like a someone.
I spent the entire night trying to come up with a logical explanation for the image, but as dawn's light started to creep through the window I finally admitted I might have taken a picture of a ghost. a real live.. well not alive, but you know what I mean... ghost.
Over the next few days I continued to search for any logical theory that could explain away the ghostly form. I also began doing a little research on Kohl's hoping to find that no tragic events had taken place there, because if nothing bad had happened then there couldn't be any ghosts. I struck out even there. It turns out that in 1983 a girl died when her pant leg got caught in the escalator. If only her parents had been watching her.
I'm not sure if I'm ready to admit that I did take a picture of a ghost of that ghosts are real, but i have included the photo here anyway. Maybe one of you will be able to tell me what you think is in the picture.
Picture of a possible ghost girl taken
at Kohl's |