Friday, March 21, 2014

Surprisingly Not A Guy

  Today I realized something about my gender and life that made me want to bury my head in the sand and sigh.

  Apparently it doesn't matter how much money you make or what your position on the corporate ladder is or even if you are a noble peace prize winner... inside every grown man is a little giggling eight year old boy.

  This means no matter how proper and classy you think a man is, he will still smirk and chuckle in appreciation of the lowest form of toliet humor.

  Which is why I was amazed to learn the 'no farting' picture was not made by any of the males I work with, but instead by one of the few very patient females who work here.

  It seems the Vice President of the company had... how to put this politely... he had consumed something that was not agreeing with him and his poor administrative assistant was being forced to suffer.

  So,  when he left the office she quickly made up a new rule and a sign to go with it.

  I'm not sure how helpful her sign was, but I do know it made a lot of people laugh and is still hanging on the door to the Vice President's office. The best part of that is on Monday some of the companies we make parts for are coming in for a tour.  How I wouldn't love to see their faces when they walk by that sign.