Thursday, March 27, 2014

How To Eat Your Peeps

  If someone were to ask you how much thought you dedicated to your purchases of Peeps,what would you say?

  Would you perhaps share with them the hundreds upon hundreds of different methods there are for preparing and enjoying those colored sugar coated marshmallows of yumminess?

  Most likely not.

  In fact, if you are anything like the other 17.2 billion individuals worldwide who enjoy a good Peep now and then, there are only three things bouncing around in your head when you buy a box of Peeps.

     1.  What shape you want your Peeps to be.
     2.  What color you want your Peeps to be.
     3.  How many boxes you need to buy. (Oh, C'mon son. You know that first box won't even last the car ride home.)

  Which is kind of a shame, because just  like any other food, a Peep tastes a million times better when it's prepared properly.

  For example: Would you buy a thick, juicy steak and just toss it in the oven plain? Of course not. You would add seasonings and marinades that would compliment and bring out the steak's flavor. You also wouldn't just toss it in the oven. You would put it on a grill like a civilized human being endowed with culture and properly cared for taste buds.

  Do you not want your Peeps to taste as good as your steak? Because if you do, you have to act like you do. Which means taking the time to prepare your Peeps properly.

  Now you may be thinking, "Prepare my Peeps properly? Of course, I want to, but between work and picking up the kids from basketball practice and interpretative dance who has the time?"

  I sympathize with you. I really do. This is why I've done all the hard work for you.

  In this post, I've compiled three of the easiest, most delicious methods for preparing Peeps out there. All that's left for you to do is to choose your favorite method, follow the directions and enjoy.

     1.  Caramelized Peeps
     With the promise of warm weather finally looming on the horizon, that can mean only one thing. Campfire season is fast approaching. And what is a campfire without marshmallows being toasted to golden perfection on the ends of long sticks.

     Now, are you ready to have your mind blown?  You sure? Okay... The next time you find yourself in front of a campfire with stick in hand, give this a try. Forget about the marshmallows, instead put a Peep on the end of the stick and get ready for some toasted awesomeness.

     Toast your Peeps until the colored sugar turns a light brown and begins to caramelize. Then just pull it out of the fire, cool, eat and repeat if necessary.

     Did I not say these were simple.

     2. The Aged Old Peep
     Many people aren't aware of the fact that Peeps and fine wine are very similar in one major respect. The longer they sit, the better they get.

     To properly age your Peeps you want to remove the plastic wrapping, but don't take them out of the box. Put them some place out of the way. Some place you won't be tempted to eat them... like on the back of your toilet or inside a kitchen cabinet. Now, comes the really hard part. You have to let your Peeps sit uncovered for 2 to 4 days. The waiting time really just depends on how stiff you want your Peeps to be. Once, they have reached the desired stiffness eat up.

     3.  Grilled Peeps
     So, this last idea may require a little effort, but if tastes so good. First take a cookie sheet and line the bottom with as many cinnamon graham crackers as it takes to completely cover the bottom of the pan. The next layer is going to be made from your favorite colored Peeps. Now, cover the Peeps in chocolate syrup, candy sprinkles and jelly beans. Finish with another layer of cinnamon graham crackers. Place another cookie sheet on the top to help hold everything in place then cook in the oven for 5 minutes at 325 degrees.

  I know by now your mouth is watering so why waste any more time reading this. Grab a couple boxes of Peeps get to cooking.