Friday, April 19, 2013

Camp Coaster Is Open For Business

  Did you spend hundreds of dollars on an amazing coffee table just to make your friends envious, but when they come over to watch tv they still sit on the floor to eat and drink?

  Don't take it to personally. I'm sure there is  a perfectly logical reason as to why they are shunning your one of a kind, handcrafted coffee table from Italy.

  Perhaps your guests just aren't familiar with the concept or purpose of a coffee table. Its possible they may think it could be possessed by evil spirits or that its only to be used a sacrificial table  during the winter and summer solstices.

  I'm sure there are a million other excuses too, but gun-to-my-head, I would say its because of your butt ugly boring coasters.

  You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones you have proudly displayed on the center of your table like a stack of burnt toast.

  Its a scientific fact that boring coasters can drive people from even the nicest of tables.

  I know, because I too was a victim of boring coasters. No matter what food or drinks I put on the table, people always end up taking it to the floor.

  For weeks I searched stores for a set of coasters with some personality and color. I would have taken anything that looked cool, but the nerd in me was hoping I might stumble over a set of Doctor Who coaster... Nope!

  I couldn't find any coasters that made the nerd inside of me go "weeeeee!!!" Sure, there were some online but I didn't like the pictures or the hit my wallet would take. So, as a joke, I figured out what it would take to make my own coasters.

  Fast forward just one month later, and I am proud to announce that Camp Coaster is finally opening its doors. Figuratively that is. The Camp Coaster Etsy site is live ( )  and there is even a catalog in print and a pdf version.

  For those of you wondering if Camp Coaster will cater solely to the tastes of nerds, I saw fear not. We have many other styles of coasters to choose from as well. The coasters sets range from the nerdy to sports teams to nature scenes and animals. Plus, there are still tons of other themes to come. I have dozens of ideas rolling around in my head. I just need to take a minute and sort them all out.
  Also, while coasters put the coaster in Camp Coaster, there are also a few framed photographs to look at and purchase if you like. Other items will be coming in the next few weeks. My goal is to try and add something new as often as possible.
   Some of the other things you can expect to see soon are... hmm, let's keep that a secret for now.
  Some people are probably wondering why someone who already has two jobs is trying to start his own business. The answer is actually pretty simple. I want to do something I enjoy and that allows me to be creative and artistic. Its just the idea of creating something that makes other people smile  and maybe even laugh a little bit that makes the whole effort worth while.

  I would like to say to all the customers who visit Camp Coaster that I will work hard to provide quality merchandise that is useful and will bring a smile to your face. After all, what's the point of buying something if its not going to make you happy. That what car insurance is for.
Here are a few examples of what you can find at Camp Coaster: