Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Make My Mouth Sizzle

  Happy one day after Easter everybody, or as my family has come to call it, Leftover. This is the time that we celebrate the insane amount of food my mom made by eating the same thing over and over again for the next week and a half.

  Now, some of you might have just reached for your calender and been like, "Leftover?... What the hell is he talking about? It says right here that it is April Fools Day." And you know what, maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. I can't say for sure. I will say 'off-the-record' that you are most likely correct. On the record though, I think maybe you're wrong.

  I say this not because I have some long denied deep seated hate for April Fools Day, but because I saw something amazing on TV and I don't want it to end up being a prank.  Especially, since I came up with the same idea just a few years ago.

  And it would seriously suck if it turned out my revolutionary idea for bacon mouthwash was just someones idea of a bad joke. However, the fact that this was a legitimate commercial produced by Scope has me very hopeful that bacon mouthwash has finally became a reality.

  If you still can't believe you just heard the words bacon and mouthwash used to describe the same thing...believe it.

  For those of you who have not seen the commercial, let me answer some questions you might have concerning the details of this amazing product.

  -  Does it still fight germs and plaque?  You bet. In fact, it claims to kill 99.9% of all bacteria living  in your mouth,

  -  Does it taste like bacon?  It sure does. And after you spit and rinse your mouth out, Scope's Bacon Mouthwash leaves you with minty fresh breath.

  -  Does Scope's Bacon Mouthwash have a lot of calories?  Not at all. It is completely fat free.

  -  If I have bad cholesterol and heart issues, can I use it?  You can. It is recommended you consult with your doctor first though.

  -  Does it help whiten teeth?  Absolutely. It will make your teeth 3x whiter than any other leading brand.

  -  Does it regrow teeth?  Sure, why not.

  -  Will it keep me from getting pregnant?  Theoretically.

  As you can tell, Scope's Bacon Mouthwash does so much more than just freshen your breathe. It gives you a reason to smile, and apart from possible trips to Las Vegas and Oregon, this is the most exciting news I have had all year.

  I know this ad just appeared today, but that doesn't necessarily mean the whole thing is one elaborate prank. I am so positive that this a real product that if it turns out to be fake, I will throw the new Pope a Hello Kitty rave party. If I'm right though, I want a years supply of Scope's Bacon Mouthwash.

  Easiest bet I ever won... I mean made.