Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Happens On Halloween Weekend

  Hey look, it’s a Ghostbuster. Oh, and is that girl with him dressed up as a Sexy Stay Puft Marshmallow. Is that group of girls dressed up like Sexy Zombies? Huh, I didn’t know that could be done. Seriously, are those guys really dressed up as characters from True Blood? Those guys need to put their shirts back on, and someone needs to tell them drawn in abs are not the same as the real thing. Awe, I think the Little Mermaid just blew chunks all over that tree. You won’t see that in the DVD extras.
  You have to love Halloween weekend. The things you see you will most likely never see any other time of the year. Name one other day of the year you can see Pee Wee Herman making out with some woman dressed up as Sexy Captain America. I’m pretty sure you can’t, but if you can email me. I totally should be following you on Twitter.
  The story teller in me loves it. I could sit down and brain storm about blog post ideas for an entire month, and still not come up with as many ideas as I did just listening to my friends describe their weekend.

  Here's a little example of some of the things I heard. They tend to range from the not weird to the WTF! that really happened. One friend told me how she had $20 stolen from her apartment. She's pretty sure it was some guy dressed up in a gorilla costume. The thing is, no one knows who that person was. Another friend told me how he went to a party hoping to meet a woman he has had a crush on for a while. She told him she would be dressed as Gothic witch with a mask. At the party he found someone who looked like her and was wearing what he thought a Gothic witch costume and mask. The funny thing is, he spent all night hitting on this woman only to find out it wasn't the one he was hoping to meet. She ended up getting sick and couldn't go to the party. Another person who was dressed up as a vampire told me someone kept following them around and throwing holy water on them.

  I think the best thing I heard though was a friend told me she went to take the garbage out on Saturday night, and when she lifted the lid a bat flew out and attacked her face. Her face has scratches on the side and some puncture wounds where it bit her. I don't think I've ever known anyone who was attacked by a bat. I suggested maybe the bat bite would give her super powers. After which I watched as she tried to shoot webbing from her wrist. A little crazy, but by far the most interesting.

  It seems Halloween is a lot like Vegas, minus the bats and the fact that in most cases, you can still talk about the crazy stuff that happens. I know Halloween weekend is when all the adventure happens, but I am kind of hoping the actual night of Halloween yields a few stories too. If it does, I promise to share them fairly soon. And remember we aren't laughing at you, but with you. Except for the friend who told me he left his only set of house keys in his friends car who was visiting from Ohio and had already gone home. That was funny.