Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How To Get Me To Watch The Presidential Debates

  Elections. Elections. Elections. That's pretty much all you hear about this time of year. Well, except for that one week when all the replacement refs were making those really bad calls. Otherwise, as I said before, it's been all about the election. And to be honest, I'm not really a fan.

  Don't misunderstand. I'm not saying the elections aren't important in helping to guide us into a more stable future. I'm just saying after a little bit, it gets hard to keep up on the issues. Election year is a lot like a school year. At the beginning you are super focused and pay attention to every detail. Which is easy since you are just going through a refresher of the basics. That's how I was at the beginning of this election season. I was on top of all the issues. It was pretty clear what all the candidates platforms were and what they wanted to achieve. Fast forward a few months, and now it's nearing the end of the school year, I am getting more and more distracted and confused with each day. At this point I am pretty much sitting in the back of the class doodling in my notebook. I no longer am sure what anyone wants to achieve or what they even care about. All I know is I need to catch up.

  Luckily, the debates were just around the corner. Yes. This will be a perfect time to catch up. I will know everything I need to know by the end of the first debate. Kind of like a cram session. I will spend a few hours absorbing all the issues and in the end I will be a political genius. I will be informed. I will be falling asleep. Yep, lasted like 10 minutes into the debate then passed out. Come to think of it, I did the same thing in school during lectures.

  There are only two more debates left, and I feel if I don't watch the whole thing, I will end up being completely lost and not being able to make a well informed decision. Because of this concern, I have written the people who are responsible for selecting the format of the debate, and made my own suggestion.

  I thought the Presidential Debate might be a tad more interesting if you combined it with the NBC hit show, The Voice. I know it sounds a little bit weird, but let me quickly walk you through how I picture it in my mind. I'm sure once I'm finished describing it, you will come around to my way of thinking.

  The debate starts with Obama and Romney walking down a long entrance ramp accompanied by music and fireworks. At the end of the entrance ramp is a boxing ring with two podiums at the center. These are official debate podiums with a slight twist. There are three buttons at the front. One is a green button which will allow you to deliver a one time low level shock to the other person. The blue button shuts your opponents microphone off for three minutes. This also can be used just one time. The final button is red and when pressed, causes guns mounted in the ceiling to shoot fireballs at your opponent.

  Once, Obama and Romney are behind their podiums the moderator, Carson Daly, welcomes everyone. The debate begins with a good old fashion, "Yo Mama" insult contest with Carson declaring a winner at the end. Next, the debate begins. Although, I think it would be more interesting if in front of the ring there were four chairs facing the opposite direction. In those chairs are the judges, you guessed it, Adam Levine, Blake Sheldon, Cee Lo Green and Christina Aguilera. They continue to face away from the stage till they hear a candidate discuss an issue they are with. That judge then turns around and says," I agree with you. I want you one my team." The winner of the debate round isn't who people think did the best job, but the one who gets the most judges on his side.

  The final part of the debate would involve Obama and Romney each taking a turn singing a song. America would then have a chance to call in and vote.

  At the end of the evening the person who wins the most rounds is considered the overall winner, and is given a certificate to Red Robin.

  As you can see, my idea remains true to the idea that a debate is a perfect chance for each side to present their views and for the other person to call B.S. I just added in a little 'flash' is all to help make things a little more interesting. Tell me you wouldn't watch.