Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dinocroc Returns to Madison

  Fair warning people, avoid downtown if you can. Traffic around the lake is backed up for miles due to 'gawkers'. Oh, and probably the giant prehistoric crocodile headed for downtown.

  It has only been a few a months since all the construction was completed, fixing all the damage caused by Godzilla when she decided to take a stroll downtown. Everything was such a mess. It was so difficult to get around that I just avoided everything downtown all together. Which was super hard, because that is where my favorite hot dog stand is. Now, it looks as if things are going to get messy again. Whoopee. Guess I will have to find a new hot dog place.

  I'm not sure how far away Dinocroc is, but as soon as I get some new information I will share it with you. Stayed tuned.