Thursday, July 26, 2012

Never Change Another Diaper Again

  My die casting job keeps me pretty busy. The problem is everything I do is fairly repetitive. Which means while I may be running all over the place, my mind is kind of just floating in limbo. This state of mind can sometimes lead to amazingly deep and profound thoughts, and other times it leads to the invention below.

  I am totally excited to have kids some day. Everything about the idea appeals to me, except the changing of those sticky nugget filled diapers. I couldn't even pick up my own dog's mess with out gagging. Just the idea makes my stomach turn a little. So, this presents an interesting problem. How do I raise a child without ever having to change a diaper? Well, i believe the solution presented itself last night.

  This is a industrial pump used for sucking up water, oil, hydraulic fluid and the such. This is also one part of my new invention, The Diaper Purger 3000. The second half of this marvelous invention is a simple diaper with a flap in the back. How does it work you ask? A great question with a very simple explanation.

  When you have identified the offending diaper simply lift the flap on the diaper then attach The Diaper Purger 3000 hose. Flip the on button, and watch the nuggets and even liquids vanish. In seconds you are left with a dry and sparkling clean diaper. The best part is The Toilet Purger 3000 comes with a reverse switch, so you can pump out whatever you collected into an air tight barrel or spray it over your law as fertilizer or at the neighbor you have been feuding with. Oh, and did I mention it will only cost $300. In not having to buy new diapers alone it will save you roughly $20,000 a year.

  I hope to have these out in time for Christmas. Look for it at baby supply stores everywhere.