Here's a list of movies I would like Hollywood to make. All of them are guaranteed blockbusters. Don't worry Hollywood, you don't owe me any money for these ideas... unless of course, you actually do use one of them. In which case, daddy wants to get paid.
Fast and the Furious 9: Herbie's Revenge starring Herbie the Love Bug
Hunger Games 3: Cookies No More starring Cookie Monster
Sharknado 2: Electric Boogaloo starring a bunch of B, C and D list actors
Machine Madness starring Robocop, The Transformers, Johnny Five and The Terminator
Shirley Temple: Vampire Slayer starring Sarah Michelle Gellar
Ronald McDonald's Wendy starring Ronald McDonald and the woman from the Wendy's commercials, Morgan Smith Goodwin
The Notebook 2: Friday the 13th starring Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams and Jason Voorhees
Mary Poppins: First Blood starring Sylvester Stallone and Julie Andrews
Gods No More starring Harry Potter and Percy Jackson