Friday, August 31, 2012

When A Good Man Goes To War

I know this is a little old, given that is from season 6 and in one day season 7 takes off at full speed, but I always find myself replaying it. So, i thought I would share it with all of you. I guess it is just the nerd in me.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Camping Drinking Game

  Let’s face it people. Camping in and of itself is fun. It’s a great chance to get away from the usual daily grind and relax with some friends.  And yes, do a little drinking. It seems everyone I know is either going camping soon or has already been. So with everyone getting back to nature, I kind of wanted to do my part to make their getaway even more fun. That’s when I remembered that while camping with my girlfriend, at one point in the night we mentioned how there should be a camping drinking game. So, fast forward to two days later, and here it is. I know there are other camping related drinking games out there, but I like to think mine is a little different. See in mine, not only do you take drinks but sometimes  there are actions you must complete as well.
  And with that out of the way I wish you happy camping. Don’t forget to print up a copy or two of the rules to bring with. By the way, for the next few weeks I will probably keep updating the rules. Cheers.

You and your friends have 30 minutes to get all your tents up.  If you can’t get them up in 30 minutes take a drink. And take a drink for every additional five minutes it takes to get them all up.

-  Last person to get his or her  air mattress inflated takes a drink. If you only have one air mattress to inflate the person wearing the most blue takes a drink.
-  The person who gathers the least amount of firewood takes a drink and must jump over the fire three times. If you have to buy your firewood, everyone takes a drink but the person who bought it.
Everyone gets five minutes to try and start the fire. If you can’t start it take a drink. Keep going until someone starts it, then that person can pick one other person to take two additional  drinks.

-  When someone says, “What was that?” that person takes a drink. If they say it 5 times total, then that person takes a drink and has to go see what was making the noise.
Every time someone makes a reference to the Friday the 13th movies, that person takes a drink.

-  If you shine your flashlight in someone’s eyes, take a drink. You must allow the person you just flashed to put one strand of hair off your arm.
If you see a falling star everyone takes a drink

-  If you are roasting marshmallows and yours falls off the stick, you take a drink. Successful cook 5 marshmallows in a row and you may claim one marshmallow from any person you choose.
If you see any wild animal besides a bird you have to call out the name of the animal you saw in an English accent. The last person to call out the name of the animal has to drink and imitate the animals calls as he/she walks around the other camp grounds.

-  Every time you walk out of the bathroom and exclaim, ‘OMG!!!', everyone takes a drink.
-  Every time someone wishes they had a tv, everyone takes a drink.

-  The first person to put a hockey mask and a jump suit on and walk around the entire camp ground can pick two people to take three drinks. You may want to do your research before hand and make sure no one at the other campsites just came back from hunting.
-  Anyone with green on their underwear has to take two drinks then stand in the middle of their campsite and sing, “I’m a little tea pot”.

-  At midnight, the person with the most denim must take a drink.

-  Anyone who seems shocked that there are wild animals in the wild, has to take a drink.

-  The person who somehow manages to get out of cleaning or cooking anything has to take three drinks and bow down before everyone and say "I'm not worthy."

-  The person who tries to steal other peoples beers (you know the person I mean right) when caught has to chug the stolen beer.

-  Every time someone picks up a stick and spins it like a wanna be ninja, that person takes a drink.

-  Every time someone goes to use the bathroom, drink until they get back.

-  The first person to wake up must get the fire going or take a drink. No time limit this time, because if you are up after drinking so much, you deserve a break.

-  Every time you check Facebook or Twitter from your phone, take a drink.

-  Take one random drink at some point during the day.

-  Walk over to another campsite and start laughing like an evil super villain for three minutes. When done return to your own campsite where everyone must drink but the villain.

-  In a burping contest, the person with the weakest burp must drink and acknowledge the superior lungs of the other person in front of the group.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Segregation of Flavor

  “You scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream.” For me this popular jingle once rang all too true, but alas not anymore. See in all their great wisdom the powers that be in the ice cream world decided my favorite ice cream was too costly to make. I am , of course, speaking of the Chocolate-Vanilla Swirl. 
Harder to find than the Holy Grail.

  This treat was once found everywhere. You could get it at any Dairy Queen, McDonald's, Burger King…anywhere you could find ice cream, you could find ‘The Swirl’. And may I add not only the best flavor ever, but also a symbol of how two races can exist in yummy goodness.
  It’s been a few years now since I have had a Zebra cone as we called it when I was growing up. Now and then I will randomly ask some place I have never been to before if they carry it in a desperate hope for rediscovery but it always ends the same. “I’m sorry sir, we haven’t carried that for years.”

  And why haven’t they carried it for years. My initial thought was because they suck, however I have been told that’s not really a reason. It’s just a feeling. Well, if my feeling is dumb, the real reason isn’t that much better.
  Chocolate ice cream doesn’t get ordered as much as vanilla and it is more expensive. Apparently, not enough people were ordering the Zebra cone, so the two ice creams were forcibly separated and have not reunited to this date.

  I don’t believe this for one minute this reason, but as of yet I have not been able to find proof that would show otherwise. That doesn’t mean I have stopped my investigation. Nor given up hope that somewhere out there beneath the pale moonshine, some business is still serving the Zebra cone and bringing smiles to adult and kid tummies alike.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Nation of One

  Well, that’s it then. On Sunday, the 2012 Olympic Games came to a close amidst honored athletes, cheering fans and the at long last reunited Spice Girls.

  My original intent was to do a really in depth review/ analysis of the closing ceremonies. It was really going to be impressive and one hell of a read. Sadly, I missed the closing ceremonies. I also missed the opening ceremonies and pretty much everything in the middle. Yep, that’s right. I missed the entire thing. Epic fail on my part.

  So, with no Olympic events or ceremonies to review, I wasn’t really sure what to do. I mean, it is hard to write a blog post reviewing something you never saw. Sure movie critics do it all the time, but I wanted to be better than that. My only option seemed to be just write down the idea and revisit it in another four years.

  I opened the document in my computer where I write all my post ideas, and started typing away. And with every key stroke I felt my mind begin to wander. I wondered how much money it cost to train an Olympic athlete and did they pay it all out of their own pockets or does some secret division of the military interested in creating super soldiers help out. Curious, I entered into research mode.

  It seemed like I was spending hours online pouring through files and documents, but really, thanks to Google, it was actually only five minutes. What I found from my exhaustive search is that it costs roughly $50,000 a year to train one Olympic athlete. Of that amount, the government sometimes helps out with about $15,000 to $25,000. That means to get to the Olympics you not only need some pretty intense skills, but also about $200,000.

  According to the official London Olympics 2012 website, the official source of everything Olympic related in London, the United States sent 539 athletes. Do the math and it means $107,800,000 was spent in training these superior athletes. I figured that wasn’t too bad until I read  we won a 104 metals total. Which means 435 of our athletes didn’t even place. That didn’t seem right. There has to be a way to ensure that in 2016 we take home all the metals.

Artists conception of an Olympic Hulk
  I thought about taking the athletes who consistently win in their own sport and cross training them to win in other sports. For instance, sure Michael Phelps can swim but can he flip on a trampoline or jump over a hurdle. It also occurred to me that these athletes would never get to sleep. They would have to train 24 hours a day. That seemed a bit unrealistic, and since I didn’t have any better ideas, I tabled the whole thing and went to see The Avengers again.

  A little over two hours later and I had my Olympic solution. We don’t need to send 539 people to compete. We just need one person with a lot of skill. I am, of course, referring to the Incredible Hulk. Think about it. In The Avengers movie, he was jumping over buildings, throwing things miles away and running faster than any human. He is the perfect can-do-everything athlete. I know. I know. People are going to say he isn’t real, but if you do your research a Hulk isn’t really all that hard to make.  All you need is a super smart scientist and a little Gamma Radiation accident and presto chango, you have yourself the ultimate Olympic athlete for a fraction of the cost.  

  I know it might seem a little outlandish, but keep it in mind. I guess the only question we have to ask ourselves is, are we fine winning a 104 metals or do we want to ‘spank’ every other country and come home with all the metals. I already know my answer. What’s yours?

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Right To Bear Arms

  It’s a well known fact that people  love to be a part of history. We literally reenact everything from repeating wedding vows to recreating crime scenes to famous moments in history. Until recently, the go-to for historical reenactments has been recreating famous battles between the North and the South.  Why we became so focused on this bit of history I will never know. I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing famous battles between cave people and the dinosaurs or the time George Washington went on that cherry tree massacre reenacted. And for once, it seems the government agreed with me.

  On August 3, 2012, top officials in the United States government assembled to reenact the signing of one of the greatest documents in our history. The United States Constitution. The event was broadcast live on every tv and radio station in the United States. It wasn’t until 2:37 pm on August 4, 2012, that people realized a mistake had occurred in the wording of the new United States Constitution. More specifically in the Second Amendment – Bearing Arms.

  The Second Amendment basically states that a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, gives people the right to bear arms and this right shall not be infringed upon. 

  However, due to a few misplaced words the Second Amendment  now states that  in order to have a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, gives bears the right to bear arms and this right shall not be infringed upon. In even simpler terms this means that while Smokey is out there preventing forest fires and he’s doing it with a double barrel sawed off shotgun strapped to his back.

  Smokey isn’t the only bear to have taken advantage of this new law. At a comedy club in Portland, Oregon, Fozzie Bear has held an audience captive for the last two days. He says no one gets to leave till he gets the jokes worked out for his upcoming Comedy Central special. In Jellystone National Park, Yogi and Boo Boo  have given up their crazy schemes for simply holding people up at gun point for their picnic baskets. Snuggle, the fabric softener bear, has given up doing laundry in favor of kidnapping people at gun point and selling them as laundry slaves on the black market.  And the most shocking report so far is that Winnie the Pooh has been robbing grocery stores and taking entire shelves of honey.

  A security camera In the Waunakee, Wisconsin, Piggly Wiggly not only captured footage of Winnie the Pooh running to the exit doors with a handgun in the air and pushing a shopping cart full of honey but also him yelling, “I’m sick of getting my butt stuck in trees just because I want to eat. Do you know how embarrassing that is, and I know that little douche, Christopher Robin is always laughing at me. Well, who is laughing now ya little punk.”

  President Obama has been very outspoken in his disapproval over the poor attention to detail and copy editing that has lead to this situation. He has also been quick to assure people that this amendment will be fixed, but that since it’s the weekend the soonest any voting can take place would be on Monday.  Until then, President Obama  recommends everyone try to stay indoors and avoid contact with any bears if possible. Every bear is to be considered armed and dangerous and all-in-all pretty ticked off.

  I really don’t think I am in any danger, but just to be sure I am going to follow the President’s advice to the letter. Plus, I am going to leave a big old fricking box of honey on my porch. I figure what can it hurt. Until the President gives the all clear on this bear thing, I am going to just sit in my house and catch up on the last three seasons of Burn Notice.