Monday, August 20, 2012

The Camping Drinking Game

  Let’s face it people. Camping in and of itself is fun. It’s a great chance to get away from the usual daily grind and relax with some friends.  And yes, do a little drinking. It seems everyone I know is either going camping soon or has already been. So with everyone getting back to nature, I kind of wanted to do my part to make their getaway even more fun. That’s when I remembered that while camping with my girlfriend, at one point in the night we mentioned how there should be a camping drinking game. So, fast forward to two days later, and here it is. I know there are other camping related drinking games out there, but I like to think mine is a little different. See in mine, not only do you take drinks but sometimes  there are actions you must complete as well.
  And with that out of the way I wish you happy camping. Don’t forget to print up a copy or two of the rules to bring with. By the way, for the next few weeks I will probably keep updating the rules. Cheers.

You and your friends have 30 minutes to get all your tents up.  If you can’t get them up in 30 minutes take a drink. And take a drink for every additional five minutes it takes to get them all up.

-  Last person to get his or her  air mattress inflated takes a drink. If you only have one air mattress to inflate the person wearing the most blue takes a drink.
-  The person who gathers the least amount of firewood takes a drink and must jump over the fire three times. If you have to buy your firewood, everyone takes a drink but the person who bought it.
Everyone gets five minutes to try and start the fire. If you can’t start it take a drink. Keep going until someone starts it, then that person can pick one other person to take two additional  drinks.

-  When someone says, “What was that?” that person takes a drink. If they say it 5 times total, then that person takes a drink and has to go see what was making the noise.
Every time someone makes a reference to the Friday the 13th movies, that person takes a drink.

-  If you shine your flashlight in someone’s eyes, take a drink. You must allow the person you just flashed to put one strand of hair off your arm.
If you see a falling star everyone takes a drink

-  If you are roasting marshmallows and yours falls off the stick, you take a drink. Successful cook 5 marshmallows in a row and you may claim one marshmallow from any person you choose.
If you see any wild animal besides a bird you have to call out the name of the animal you saw in an English accent. The last person to call out the name of the animal has to drink and imitate the animals calls as he/she walks around the other camp grounds.

-  Every time you walk out of the bathroom and exclaim, ‘OMG!!!', everyone takes a drink.
-  Every time someone wishes they had a tv, everyone takes a drink.

-  The first person to put a hockey mask and a jump suit on and walk around the entire camp ground can pick two people to take three drinks. You may want to do your research before hand and make sure no one at the other campsites just came back from hunting.
-  Anyone with green on their underwear has to take two drinks then stand in the middle of their campsite and sing, “I’m a little tea pot”.

-  At midnight, the person with the most denim must take a drink.

-  Anyone who seems shocked that there are wild animals in the wild, has to take a drink.

-  The person who somehow manages to get out of cleaning or cooking anything has to take three drinks and bow down before everyone and say "I'm not worthy."

-  The person who tries to steal other peoples beers (you know the person I mean right) when caught has to chug the stolen beer.

-  Every time someone picks up a stick and spins it like a wanna be ninja, that person takes a drink.

-  Every time someone goes to use the bathroom, drink until they get back.

-  The first person to wake up must get the fire going or take a drink. No time limit this time, because if you are up after drinking so much, you deserve a break.

-  Every time you check Facebook or Twitter from your phone, take a drink.

-  Take one random drink at some point during the day.

-  Walk over to another campsite and start laughing like an evil super villain for three minutes. When done return to your own campsite where everyone must drink but the villain.

-  In a burping contest, the person with the weakest burp must drink and acknowledge the superior lungs of the other person in front of the group.