Friday, March 22, 2013

Harry Styles and the St Patrick's Day That Almost Wasn't

  If history has taught us anything its that we will go to war for pretty much any reason. Land, religion, resources, secrets, your leader's penis is bigger than our leader's penis, it doesn't really matter. Heck, we have even gone to war twice because of women and love.

  So, why not go for lucky number 3. After all, they say the third time is the charm.

  This time around the characters in our would-be-Greek tragedy are Harry Styles, member of the current reigning boy band - One Direction, the beautiful Princess Sulestra of the O'Brien clan of the leprechauns and finally her betrothed, Prince Shaka-Khan of the Flanningan clan of leprechauns.

  The generous King Whatsamattayou, of the O'Brien clan, was known to do whatever it took to make his daughter, the happiest leprechaun in the world.

  Even if that meant breaking one of the oldest leprechaun laws. Which was, no human may ever enter any kingdom ruled over by the leprechaun.

  So, when Princess Sulestra told her father that she wanted the human English boy band, One Direction, to play at her Sweet 116 party, others in the clan began to worry and Prince Shaka-Khan became very jealous.

  It was alot of work for the king, but he eventually convinced that the concert/party would be a lot of fun and that nothing could possibly occur. Luckily for the king, he was respected enough that his people word was enough to put the clan at ease.

  The night of the concert came and every thing went smoothly. Everyone danced and sang along with the songs and at the end of the concert, the princess and a few of her friends were able to meet One Direction and even get some autographs. Being the birthday girl, Harry even bestowed a little kiss upon the beautiful princess's cheek.

  Reports are the princess returned to the party giggling with her friends and looking back over her shoulder toward Harry. Its at this point, that the details of what happened next get  a little confused.

  The leprechauns claim that Harry Styles became obsessed with the princess and kidnapped her to get at her gold, power and magic.

  The English say that the princess, like any other teenage girl, became infatuated with Styles and hid inside his luggage.

  However, if you are to believe Styles or the princess, the two simply fell in love and ran away together.

  Which ever theory you choose to believe, it is a safe bet, Prince Shaka-Khan was not happy with any of them.

  According to reports, it took a mere 15 minutes for it to be discovered that the princess was missing and for Prince Shaka-Khan to turn the party goers in to an angry war hungry mob.

  All the leprechaun clans were furious. Not only were they mad at the king who had allowed his own daughter to be taken, but also at the English for harboring this outlaw. They promised the English would pay for their actions.

  The English, while unaware, were not completely unprepared for what they Leprechauns had planned. When England fell victim to a minor zombie outbreak, the Queen ordered plans be developed detailing how to handle all sorts of supernatural threats.

  So, when rainbows began streaking through the sky over England, automated surveillance registered the threat and initiated the Pot-of-Gold protocols.

  Unmanned drones with spectrum sensitive missiles launched all over England. These drones not only intercepted the rainbow trails, but began firing on the sources responsible for making those trails.

  In country meadows and city streets, the English and Leprechaun ground forces prepared to clash, The English maneuvered tanks and other armored vehicles into position while the Leprechauns brought 10 feet tall golems made from the ground to life.

  The Queen of England was at a loss about what to do. She didn't want to go to war with the Leprechauns, but she had a duty to protect the people of England. No matter what people thought, she was not just a figure head. She was the Queen Mother, and like any mother, she would protect her children no matter what.

  In attempt to clear her head, the Queen, went for a walk to the nearest 7 11. She had a weakness for their Double Gulp cups, which could hold up to 48 ounces. It was also her own form of meditation. Once inside the 7 11, she purchased her drink and was about to take a big satisfying slurp of her drink when a headline in the newest People magazine caught her attention.

  The Queen grabbed the magazine and re-read the front cover several times. She had to be sure what she was seeing was true. She even went as far as to personally call the magazine editor just to confirm the headline was true. When she was satisfied what she was seeing was indeed fact, the Queen ordered all the People magazines to be loaded into special drone planes.

  The planes flew all across England, dropping their contents over Leprechaun as well the English armies. Just as the Leprechaun generals were about to give the order to attack, the magazines appeared. One very annoyed Prince Shaka-Khan picked up the magazine and read the headline to the main story. Princess Sulestra Breaks Up With Harry Styles To Party With Taylor Swift.

  His anger immediately faded. He no longer so Harry Styles as the bad guy, but just another poor love sick sap the princess had taken advantage off.

  As more and more leprechauns and humans read the stories, the more they couldn't help but feel sad for poor Harry Styles. He was just a guy who took a chance on love and had gotten burned. The order for withdrawal was given on both sides. The rainbows faded from the sky leaving behind just a beautiful bright blue, and all ground forces vanished from the fields and streets.

  It's strange to think England came within seconds of being engulfed in war, all due to a forbidden romance. It is also strange that for once, the United States wasn't involved in any of it. Instead, we just watched on our televisions at the St. Patrick's Day that almost wasn't.