Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chris Brown Inspires And Motivates

Chris Brown preparing to punch Twitter
  Well. Well. Well. Look who's gone and got himself in the headlines again. Two claps and a thumbs up to you, Chris Brown. I would say, ' your mom must be so proud", but we all know how you react to people talking abut your mom.

  Besides, unlike all those Chris Brown haters out there who were so quick to condemn and offer you up on the proverbial stake, I want to praise your 'look at me' actions.

  It is my general opinion that for far to long the role of 'Hot Mess' in the media has been almost totally dominated by women. Have you met the reigning and undisputed Queen of Crazy, Lindsay Lohan, and her Princess of Denial, Amanada Bynes?

  Sure, Charlie Sheen had a good run, but men really haven't had a good quality 'Hot Mess' since Mel Gibson. That is until you, Chris Brown. You have done more for the men's 'Hot Mess' movement than anyone could have ever hoped for.

  Let's not forget the first time you deleted your Twitter account, because Walmart wouldn't carry your cd. Then you had that whole thing with Rihanna which got you slapped with some community service and five years probation. Oh, and remember that time you broke the window at Good Morning America, because they asked you about your assaulting Rihanna. That showed them how non-violent you are. Which brings us to your current escapades that caused you to once again delete your Twitter account. Although, this time it seems like you might have had a valid reason.

  I would cancel my account too if a comedian exposed me for a ranting-illiterate-threat spewing cry baby. Would I really want people to know that someone that I told a female comedian to "Take them teeth out when u Sucking my d--- HOE". Probably not, then again, that's just me. But hey, just because you haven't reached me that doesn't mean you aren't inspiring and motivating others. A whole new generation 'Hot Messes' in-training are following your lead when it comes to Twitter.

  You forced Angus T. Jones, one of the stars of Two and a Half Men, to take a hard look at what he was learning on Twitter. He decided to that Twitter was nothing but filth and asked that people not follow him, because even he doesn't want to be on Twitter. As of yet, he has not canceled his account.

  Someone who did cancel his account though is the one and only, Justin Bieber. Apparently, Justin has been inundated with Tweets concerning his choice of attire when meeting the Prime Minister of Canada. Many people were curious as to whether Justin was aware he was meeting the Prime Minister of Canada or if he thought he was auditioning for an Green Acres reboot.

  See there, Chris Brown. Those are just two of the men you have inspired and who will surely follow in your footsteps to 'Hot Mess' greatness. Just keep it up and I guarantee that eventually you will make Mel Gibson seem like a saint compared to you. Go Team 'Hot Mess'.