Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Girl Scouts of America and Drug Cartels... Not So Different

  It has recently been brought to my attention that no matter how punctual I think I am for work,  the brutal truth is that on most days I tend to punch in with mere seconds to spare. Today... wasn't any different.

  What WAS different was hearing the hushed whisper of my name as I came out of the locker room.  The voice whispering my name was so soft,  I wasn't even a 100% sure if someone was actually saying it or if I was just hearing things. That happens sometimes.
  Turns out I'm not crazy... or at least not any more than normal.  I'm just not all that observant.  Across from the locker room was one of the women I work with. She was hiding behind a few stacks of boxes holding a brightly colored pieces of paper.
  Given that she was whispering and hiding. I figured whatever she had to tell me needed to be kept on the down low. So, I hit the 'Jackal Switch' and crept over to her.

  Three minutes later, we both went our separate ways. Her, with $20 of my hard earned money and me, with a promise that tomorrow I will find six boxes of Girl Scout Cookies waiting for me in my locker.

  With all the Cloak and Dagger stuff, I had to laugh. I didn't feel like I had just bought cookies so much as six boxes of illegal drugs. Crazy thought, I know. That is until you think a little bit more and suddenly realize how truly similar the Girl Scouts of America are to drug cartels. 

  If you think I'm kidding, check out all the similarities I
came up with in just ten minutes.

     -  Both, girl scouts and drug dealers are just little parts in a much bigger organization.

     -  Both receive large shipments of products that they must distribute through out their organization in order to sell it.

     -  Both organizations use people to go out into the public to sell the product.

     -  Both can be found standing in front of stores, on some random street corner or where you work or at your school.

     -  Both sell addicting products.

     -  Both make you pay up front for a product you might not get for several days or weeks.

     -  Both try to get you to buy as much as their product as you can, even though you may not be able to afford it.

     -  Both products are considered to be unhealthy by doctors.

     -  Both run into trouble when they start using more of their product than they sell.

     -  Both get paid large amounts of money by people just for a little taste of their products.

     -  Both sell products that are only available once or twice through out the year.

     -  Both organizations don't tolerate when some other group or gang starts selling in their territory.

     -  Both sell products that can make a level headed adult screech like a crazed chimpanzee. 

     -  Both sell products that can make you either very happy or very sad.

     -  Both organizations don't do much in the way of advertising. They get most of their business through word of mouth and referrals.