Monday, May 6, 2013

Leaving On An Airplane

   Before I get to today's post, I figured now would be as good a time as any to announce that this coming Monday, I will be headed to Las Vegas baby.

  That’s right, you read correctly. This innocent Wisconsin boy is about to leave behind the corn fields, cold weather  and cheese curds for a week of penny slots, 90 degree weather and $50 all you can eat buffets.

  This is going to be my first visit to the City of Sin. Although, since the main reason I’m going there is for my brother’s wedding, so I think I’m going to start using one of its more family friendly names. Calling it the Entertainment Capitol of the World sounds way less creepy.

  Oh and speaking of creepy, can someone please explain to me why every time I shared I was going to Las Vegas, the other person would always inquire as to whether I was going to visit some of the prostitutes while I am there. It didn’t matter if it was a male or female, something involving prostitution was always the standard follow up question. Which leads me to believe either everyone I know is a little pervy or they all think I’m the one that is pervy.  I’m really hoping it’s the first one.

  Just to make sure there is more to do in Las Vegas than rent a couple prostitutes, I turned to my old friend…Google. Within minutes I found tons of things to do in and around the hotel I am staying at. There are some amazing shows, the M&M museum, light shows, other casinos and so much else to explore. I can’t tell you how I excited I am. It’s a shame I will probably die on my way  there.

  Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention this at the start, but… I hate flying. “Why,” you ask. “It’s safer than driving.” That’s what people always tell me and that’s crap. When you take a trip in your car, you basically have three things that can happen. 1) You arrive at your destination with no problems. 2) You get into a wreck, but you are still okay. 3) you crash and die.

  When you fly there are really only two things that can happen. You either make it to your destination or you don’t. Because lets face it, if that plane drops out of the sky, you have a better chance of making Kristin Stewart smile than you do of living.

  For some reason, it had never occurred to me that this trip to Las Vegas would require me to fly. I sort of assumed we would be driving there. Sadly, I assumed wrong. Try as I might, my brother was not willing to make the trip by train, automobile or hot air balloon. I tried really hard to convince him that there would be nothing more romantic than taking a hot air balloon to the chapel. He disagreed. So, it seems I have little choice, but to get on that plane.

  What’s worse is I kind of have this habit of over analyzing a situation where I not only think of all the good things that could happen, but also of everything that could possibly go wrong.  Normally, I find one thing that I think will be the cause of disaster, but this time I found five. 

  People tell me if I just write out what these reasons are I will surely realize how insanely ridiculous  they are. I’m willing to give it a shot if there is any chance at all it will put my mind at ease.  So, listed below are the five most likely reasons my plane will crash on the way to Las Vegas.

1)      The pilot just broke up with Taylor Swift because she is to clingy, and rather than hear his good name tarnished in one of her  revenge themed break up songs, he decides to crash the plane into her  house.

2)      People say Twilight Zone: The Movie was just that, a movie, but I think it was a documentary. Especially the part where the gremlin/ demon thing is tearing apart  the engine and wing. I can so see that happening on my plane.

3)      Some bad airplane food infects everyone with the plague and the pilot is the first to succumb to the this horrible illness. With no one to fly the plane we all die.

4)      Justin Bieber will be on my flight and he will be totally hitting on the only flight attendant who isn’t interested in him. In all or nothing attempt to win her approval, Justin slaps her ass. The woman get so mad she slaps Justin harder than he has ever been hit before, but because he is so small, the slap lifts him up and out of his seat. He hits the door and breaks it open.  Justin gets sucked out of the airplane and the change in cabin pressure causes it to crash.

5)      King Kong or Godzilla knocks the plane out of the sky.

  Okay, so those are my main fears and writing them out has helped to realize something. These fears of mine couldn’t be more rational if Stephen Hawking himself had come up with them. Wish me luck  people. I should be back in town by Friday night if nothing goes wrong and the plane doesn’t explode into a fiery ball.